Meme Miscellany

Some interesting findings from recent research:

1. Lee, Choi, C. Kim & Y. Kim (2014- Journal of Comm) found that social media engagement in political discussions leads to greater social network heterogeneity, suggesting that social media decrease echo chamber effects, rather than solidify them. Homophily does not win the day.

2. Harlow (2013- Revista de Comunicacion) found that certain narratives spread like memes during the Egyptian protests.

3. Fisher Liu, Fraustino & Jin (2015- Journal of Appl Comm Rsch) found that no single form (Twitter, Facebook, website) or source (nat’l news media, gov’t agency, local news media, local gov’t agency), or disaster type (human or natural) was systematically more likely to be forwarded or acted upon.

4. Lee & Shin (2014- Comm Rsch) found that exposure to a politician’s Twitter page increased the experience of transportability and social presence, as well as intention to vote for the candidate.