Talks, Colloquia, & Conferences
2015 Summer Specialist Meeting
Representing Human Dynamics with Big Data, Social Media, and Social Networks in Hyperlocal Contexts
Hosted by the Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA)
August 11-12, 2015 in San Diego, California, USA
This specialist meeting (workshop) is co-funded by two National Science Foundation (NSF) projects (#1416509, IBSS: Spatiotemporal Modeling of Human Dynamics Across Social Media and Social Networks and #1028177, CDI-Type II: Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas and the Semantic Web). The goal of this workshop is to foster the multidisciplinary collaboration in related research disciplines, including geography, linguistics, computer science, political science, public health, and communication. The workshop will assess the current state of the art technologies and tools, identify and prioritize a research agenda, and begin the development of a research community of collaborating scholars working on these big data and social media issues.
Studying Big Data and Social Media with Hyperlocal Human Dynamics and Social Networks
August 11-12, 2015 in San Diego, California, USA
"This specialist workshop is co-funded by two National Science Foundation (NSF) projects. The goal of this workshop is to foster the multidisciplinary collaboration in related research disciplines, including geography, linguistics, computer science, political science, and communication. The two-day workshop, organized by the Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA) at San Diego State University, will bring together over 30 specialists drawn from the many disciplines with interest in these issues. The workshop will assess the current state of the art technologies and tools, identify and prioritize a research agenda, and begin the development of a research community of collaborating scholars working on these big data and social media issues."
The International Symposium on Cartography in Internet and Ubiquitous Environments 2015
March 17-19, 2015 in Tokyo, Japan
"Due to the emergence of information technology, maps are more useful and essential in our lives. Maps can be regarded as a basic need in this new services-based world of Internet and Ubiquitous Environments. This symposium focuses on rethinking the concept of maps, mapping and Cartography from theoretical, pragmatic and technical viewpoints in this changing information environment. Oral and poster presentations about web, mobile and ubiquitous mappings are invited."

International Conference on Location-based Social Media Data
March 13-14, 2015 in Athens, Georgia, USA
"This conference is designed to bring together researchers from various fields and perspectives to share ideas and findings of their research related to social media data. The aim is to provide a forum for participants to reflect upon what has been accomplished and to discuss what can be pursued in the future."
Big Data Science at San Diego State University
March 7, 2015 in San Diego, California, USA
AAG Annual Meeting, Paper Session: Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age I
April 22, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois, USA
"New insight into the dynamics of social systems can not only help to verify the existing social behavioral theories but also contribute to problem solving in the range of areas vital for the current mobile and data-rich age. Growing evidence has witnessed the interconnected spatial patterns and relationships between cyberspace and our real world. A large number of socioeconomic and human behavior datasets can be easily collected using mobile technology and social media platforms. Coupling spatial and behavioral science research can provide effective and efficient ways to visualize and analyze these big data collected for social behavioral research."